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Senators Kunze, Dolan Vote to Let Debt Settlers Rip Off Ohio Families


This week, on the same day PUCO-regulated utilities resumed shutting off Ohioans' power, Senators Stephanie Kunze (R-Hilliard) and Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls) voted to let debt settlers rip off Ohio families.

"We're frankly horrified by the actions of Senators Kunze, Dolan, and every Republican who voted for this bill," said Millie Vaughan, Executive Director for the Ohio Senate Democrats.

"Families are trying to survive a pandemic. Ohio's Republican supermajority should be protecting Ohio families, not making them more susceptible to exploitation."

Despite Ohio's ongoing COVID crisis, Senators Kunze, Dolan, and other Republican members of the Ohio Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions Committee on Tuesday voted to pass SB 112 out of committee.

SB 112 guts the Ohio Debt Adjuster’s Act, which regulates for-profit debt settlement companies.

Per the nonpartisan think tank Policy Matters Ohio, "investigations from both Republican and Democratic led federal and state consumer protection agencies have shown that [debt settlement companies] take advantage of people in bad financial circumstances."

Senators Kunze (suburban Columbus) and Dolan (suburban Cleveland) currently hold two of Ohio's most flippable Senate seats.

Their opponents, Crystal Lett and Tom Jackson, respectively, are strongly positioned to win these seats in November and help restore some balance to Ohio's Statehouse.

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Aug 01, 2024


my name is Ron, so, after all, the Ohio Taxpayers had to foot the Bill for the wasted State Funds used to chase after that man called Mario W. Watkins/Watkins Global Network, the authorities realized he was right after all. Watkins announced to the entire world: "IT'S JUST NOT FAIR" He only kept small businesses in business.

His statements and actions got national attention indeed. I came across this man back around 2018 and saw firsthand how the local government treated him. He seems very nice and decent. My family engaged him many years ago when they had an Ohio Auto Paint business, Mr. Watkins created a financial budget, income/expense report and settled out over $2,6 million in debt,…


Mar 06, 2024

It's been made clear that the Communist Party was at work relating to the Watkins Global Network/Mario W. Watkins case that uprooted the norm in Ohio concerning debt negotiations. Not only did it touch home with his clients, but with the Ohio State Bar, The Ohio Supreme Court Justices, The Ohio State Senators, and many others.

People like John Watkins, family relation to Mario W. Watkins it shows, The United States Supreme Court which somehow inferences Justices like, Burton, Douglas, and Warren. Mr. Watkins was summoned to testify, and he outlined the committee's activities. And the Ohio Government still proceeded to choke this man and denied him his due process. It seems all Watkins did was save small businesses from…


Jul 29, 2023

Yes, Senators Kunze & Dolan fully get it. They understand that consumers need options. That's why the Watkins Global Network case/Mario W. Watkins, Founder, made so much headway and muddy the Ohio waters concerning Debt Negotiations.

We are thankful that Mr. Watkins stood up for what he believed in. We know because he helped us last year settle a major debt that was attached to our home and our family own Donut Treats business. We were in legal quicksand for almost four years, and we got to the place we could no longer make the payments to our attorneys or the court because they were just too much. When Mr. Watkins engaged with us, he reached out to the attorney's…


Jun 06, 2023

It's amazing that after all these years here in Ohio, it only took one man, one visionary, a man who refused outright to accept the norm, a man who stood alone before the highest court in Ohio and said: IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!

That man of course is none other than: Mario W. Watkins, not only did he muddy the Ohio waters but when it came to unjustified Ohio Debt Settlement laws, his personal testimony hit the airways and it positioned Ohioans with other options which in essence is more freedom. His public statement was national. WHENEVER YOU ARE GIVEN FREEDOM, IF YOU DON'T PROTECT THAT FREEDOM, YOU WILL LOSE THAT FREEDOM. Many Ohio Legislators, Senators and Ohio Supreme Court…


Aug 16, 2022

We agree with Watkins Global Network. Mr. Mario W. Watkins has been tagged as one of the best negotiators here in our State. So many private firms have engaged this guy for behind the platform's commission/objective.

Mr. Watkins did his best to explain his business model to the highest court in Ohio but only a few that judged him, actually got it. Mr. Watkins was degraded, mocked, hammered by the Ohio State Bar Association for years and years then at the end, the State of Ohio realized that he did nothing wrong but made counteroffers. So again, another example, lets waste more of Ohio Taxpayers Funds. I mean, after all, we got to waste it one something.

Troubled Ohio Taxpayer



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